14 September 2006

What The Hail?

Okay, seriously folks. I just have to get this off my mind. Do we really need 8 minutes plus of weather in each and every newscast? That adds up to at least 32 minutes per day, if you just count the four local broadcasts (and not anything national like the Today Show, etc.).

Who doesn't get their weather off the internet now? Would you ever read that much detail about the past, present, and future weather patterns during your morning break at work? No! I bet there are people out there with terminal illnesses who spend less time in a day discussing their condition with their doctors than these people spend broadcasting mumbo-jumbo about high pressure systems & reverse rotations of the gulf stream. Does anyone care about these details? Are they necessary for water-cooler discussions about weekend plans? No! If you want to be an amature meteorologist, go watch the weather channel. So I beg you, TV stations, just show us a couple of nice maps with temperatures, and a couple of those cartoon boxes with the 5-day forecast, and get onto reporting some real news. Like who Condoleezza Rice may or may not be schtuping. I digress. . . .

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