Or at least a silly binky. Devon dis-assembled one of the gazillions we have at home and came up with this. Devon seems to have the best luck getting her to use a binky, probably because she doesn't like his thumbs. He says it's because of his exceptionally hard nails, I think it's the hairy knuckles. . . . Jordan still would rather suck on mommy's & Nana Noma's thumbs. Oh well, at least she's able to suck now period. I'm not sure why she likes it and uses it, but, hey, whatever works. Devon thinks she likes it because the nipple is longer this way. It's probable that it does not pass
any sort of safety test, so we can't really leave her alone with it.
She was so happy she even gave us a grin. So nice to have her back! We hope there are many more smiles & grins to come (even though they must be hard to do through all the rolls of fat).

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