"Grandpa, you're a busy body, and Avery is a chatterbox!" And she's right on both accounts. Grandpa Earl was all over the place today, painting the trim on the windows outside, smoothing walls in the basement for texturing tomorrow, pulling down moldings, filling cracks and holes in the drywall, and putting up paper & tape. Devon helped downstairs as time allowed, and is planning to get up early to do some last minute touch ups before the texturing. I feel bad that they're working like crazy to at least get the texturing done this weekend (much better with 2 sets of hands), but at the same time I'm pretty excited about picking colors & making that space more inviting & usable. It'll take awhile before we're painting, but getting to the point of texture completion is huge!

Earl complimented Devon on some of his drywall patches and repairs: "You have to be good at this when you own a house like this." So true! I guess that's the second phrase of the day.

Boy, when you're sick in this house, crazy things 'happen' -- like this outfit for breakfast.

Avery wasn't feeling up to snuff today, so she mostly lounged around on laps and sofas. This is very unusual behavior for her, and I know it sounds bad coming from her mother, but it's almost nice for her to be a little bit sick -- it takes the fire out of her just enough. That is as long as she's not barfing (she had a couple little ones in bed last night -- mostly into a bucket -- after the epic tummy dump into the toilet). Rumor has it that something 24-hour-ish is going around. Grandpa Earl was feeling a little under the weather, too, so he & Avery spent a good part of the day snuggling on the couch and watching Froggy Movie. I bet he knows his alphabet very well by now, almost as well as Avery I'd guess. No Children's Museum, maybe next trip.
And speaking of sick, Jordan & I spent 1.5 hours at the pediatrician's office today. She has some nasty post-nasal drip (that leads to unbearable flemmy coughing & an ear infection). It's not terrible, but they won't do the PET scan on her without sedation, and if she's having breathing difficulties in her lungs, we'll have to cancel our trip. Thankfully she's just fine -- it's all in her head (sinuses if you want to be technical about it). We'll go back on Monday for her final clearance for flying & oral sedation, as well as get lab work & blood pressure done. We finally got clearance from the insurance company to run the DNA sample for Prader-Willii Syndrome. It's not very likely, but we'll never know until we test.
The cats are being naughty as ever drinking from Dorothy's bowl constantly (all 3 right now). She's still hanging in there, though.

Avery wasn't feeling up to snuff today, so she mostly lounged around on laps and sofas. This is very unusual behavior for her, and I know it sounds bad coming from her mother, but it's almost nice for her to be a little bit sick -- it takes the fire out of her just enough. That is as long as she's not barfing (she had a couple little ones in bed last night -- mostly into a bucket -- after the epic tummy dump into the toilet). Rumor has it that something 24-hour-ish is going around. Grandpa Earl was feeling a little under the weather, too, so he & Avery spent a good part of the day snuggling on the couch and watching Froggy Movie. I bet he knows his alphabet very well by now, almost as well as Avery I'd guess. No Children's Museum, maybe next trip.
And speaking of sick, Jordan & I spent 1.5 hours at the pediatrician's office today. She has some nasty post-nasal drip (that leads to unbearable flemmy coughing & an ear infection). It's not terrible, but they won't do the PET scan on her without sedation, and if she's having breathing difficulties in her lungs, we'll have to cancel our trip. Thankfully she's just fine -- it's all in her head (sinuses if you want to be technical about it). We'll go back on Monday for her final clearance for flying & oral sedation, as well as get lab work & blood pressure done. We finally got clearance from the insurance company to run the DNA sample for Prader-Willii Syndrome. It's not very likely, but we'll never know until we test.
The cats are being naughty as ever drinking from Dorothy's bowl constantly (all 3 right now). She's still hanging in there, though.
Sierra loves Jordan spots all over the house. Crazy-eyed Daisy. 2 different colors.

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