13 September 2006

Tiddy-Yup, Tiddy-Yup

Every day I try to carve out some special alone time with Avery. Some days are better than others. Whether its hanging out on the deck or in the back yard, taking a trip to the store (even Winco), or hitting the park, pool, carousel, fair, mini-golf, etc. I don't do as well as I should with this, but I try. Some days are just too busy or I'm just too tired, and some days we literally run out of time. Some days there's no way to ditch Jordan. Some times the chaos rules, and the phone rings all day long, and bedtime stories and snuggles are all we get (but we make the best of them, and it's easy for both of us night owls to drag things on for quite awhile. . . .). But I do try. Corny & cliche as it sounds, I absolutely cherish this time together. Avery's very protective and loving of Jordan, and not outwardly jealous, but I'm sure that she gets tired of "hold on, I just have to feed Jordan, change Jordan, hold Jordan, get Jordan her medicine, take Jordan to the doctor/hospital," etc.etc.etc. Jordan takes up and extraordinary amount of time & work, and it's hard on all of us, whether or not we realize it, or vocalize it. So it is important to both Devon & me to make some special time for Avery as often as possible.

So tonight, while Nana Noma stayed home with a sleepy Jordan, Avery & I hit the merry-go-round at Jantzen Beach. She picked a small white horse she called "Ginger" (we discussed this on the way down & she stuck with her decision). I don't think that the carousel dude believed she was 2, though. He seemed suspicious (what can I say, she's advanced for age -- or at least tall). Then we hit the Baskin Robbins, and after perusing all of the ice cream, she picked Oatmeal Cookie Crunch, all by herself (she LOVES oatmeal). Mommy had an all-time favorite: Raspberry Cheese Louise. We both had kid-size scoops. And, extra bonus, when I grabbed change from the change basket on my way out the door, I also happened to have grabbed a carousel token. I found it when I went to pay for the ice cream, and decided we better put it to good use. So, we went outside and had a "picnic" with the ice cream, and then went back for a second trip on the carousel. This time Avery picked a different small white horse; she named it Silver. Mommy got dizzy, and the attendant still seemed doubtful that she was 2 (a parent rides free with kids 2 and under, so he must have thought we were scamming).

Even with our night out, she was hesitant to let me go after "Heidi book" and snuggles at bedtime. She's pretty manipulative, already. We might be in trouble.

[Tiddy-Yup = Giddy-Up in Avery speak]

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