19 September 2006

Up (To) The Creek

Parking Art
We go there all the time, but it occurred to me today that I have no actual "photodocumentation" (as Devon teases me) of our trips and new friends at the brand-spankin' new Legacy Salmon Creek Hospital & Medical Buildings. It's gorgeous there, and you'd think you were downtown for a meeting with your lawyers when you step through the door. Did I mention free valet? I LOVE THAT!

First, off to the lab to get blood drawn for a basic metabolic panel (BMP). Carol & Carol were there, but no Linda today. She missed out on the cookies. . . . A little poke and they were done. We're always so happy getting blood drawn there, since they seem to be the only ones who can get it (Linda included). The Carols were excited to make it to the "big time" -- our blog(?!). Just the other day a camera crew came in to film advertisements for the new hospital, but passed right by their lab -- no TV stardom for them.

Then it was off to the Pediatrics Unit in the main hospital. A leisurely climate-controlled walk across the bridge, then up to the 5th floor. Chris & Cathy were there today, and graciously agreed to take a catheter urine sample in addition to a blood pressure (they're magic with both). [Jordan is running a fever today, so we're going fishing for another UTI, or possibly even the mystery, never identified crystals (Frosted Mini-Wheats?) they found last time she had a UTI].
Official business (which isn't us).

A heavenly play room. It's dangerous to take Avery with us; it's embarrassing hauling her out kicking and screaming!

Boy would it be nice to be admitted at Salmon Creek when Jordan needs to be admitted. There's really nothing wrong with Emanuel Children's Hospital, but Salmon Creek is so nice, and so empty, and so friendly & personal.

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