13 September 2006

Tuesday Report

Heather & Katie came to visit, play & help out. I slept through most of the visit, and was too disoriented to remember to snap a pic before they left. Sorry no picture, but THANKS for the help Heather & Katie, it was so great to see you! Check out Fun in the Sun for pics from the last time Heather & Katie (and Sam) were here for a playdate.

After a good morning of playing, Avery was off to Melba's just in time for alphabet vegetable soup and PB&J for lunch, then popcorn & a movie for the afternoon (Jiminy Cricket). She wasn't having a particularly great day this morning (hey, I KNOW how she feels). It's a little hard on her when daddy's away. She definitely regresses into a mommy's girl, or a Nana Noma's girl after he's been gone for a day or two. But once she got settled in at Melba's I had a hard time dragging her out at the end of the day (I picked her up early and most of the kids were still there, so she didn't want to leave). Sarah & Tyler were there today, too, so she was happy to catch up with them.

Jordan & I hit the library and ran a few other errands. I just couldn't get into that A Million Little Pieces by James Frey, the fabricator. I hated not knowing what was true and what was embellished, and I hated his random capitalization of nouns (it was written in English, not German) and 3 word sentences. Annoying all around. I'm waiting on a few books I'm dying to read, but the bummer with the library is the waiting list. Oh well, gives me time to keep up on my other things.

I made plans for Jordan's doc appointment in Detroit during the first week of October. She'll have to be there for 4 days of testing, so it will be a long week. Devon might join us for the day that we meet with the doc, or we may just conference him in via phone. Neither of us want to leave Avery alone for that long, no matter how comfortable she is with Nana Noma. So, we're sorting out dates, times, insurance, flights, etc (and still hoping things come off without a glitch).

I ate yummy pasta (thanks Jessica, I LOVED it) for lunch, and yummy curry for dinner (thanks Terry & Jacoba). Even Nana Noma appreciated the small portion of curry she ate, and she doesn't usually like curry at all. I found it to be a perfect blend of flavor, but not too overwhelming or spicy. I didn't even put salt on it, so that just proves how great it was (I usually salt everything "to bring out the flavor").

Sierra continues to hide out in the basement (where Daisy can't go because she doesn't know how to use the cat door to get downstairs). Daisy & Mojave are getting used to each other, but it's still a pretty serious game of cat chess.

And once again, it's the middle of the night and I'm wide awake. I'm tortured with this late night body rhythm that has been exacerbated by the recent sleeplessness of one Jordan Rowe. Now she's back to sleeping, but my exhausted body & mind are wide awake -- as they think they should be. It's pretty crazy. Just when I get the chance to sleep, my mind pops into action, and my body wants to get things done while I have my hands & thoughts free. It's not that I can't sleep; in fact I'm a great sleeper. I'm just a terrible go-to-sleeper (gee, I wonder where Avery gets that trait, too). Once actually asleep I can sleep all night like the dead. Devon and I have to recap the night when we get up, to figure out who got up when with which kid and why. Honest to god, the other day I FORGOT that I fed Jordan at 07:30 am, and thought she'd been HOURS without food. Devon reminded me that I did, and when I checked the log, there it was, written down. (That's the main reason we chart like a hospital, neither of us can remember who did what when these days, and it's too important to forget -- food, medicine, poop&pee. Thrilling, eh?). Now, if only I could live on 3 hours sleep each night. It's a cruel world, to live by society's take on when we should be awake and when we should be asleep. It's too bad that night owls like me didn't set the working schedule. Otherwise we'd all sleep from 03:00 am to 11:00 am, just like my body wants to do.

Okay, enough, I seriously need to get some sleep. Jordan & I have a big day tomorrow, getting signed up for special needs daycare with Clark County Parks & Recreation, and probably an hour's worth of time at the pediatrician's office -- my list is already 11 items long. Good thing she's such an Army Captain and always on the ball with things. It's especially important now that we're having appointments all over the country -- everyone wants Jordan's full file (which was already 110 pages of faxable data, as of the day before her hospital stay at the end of August. . . .).

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