Today best friends Avery & Kate had a chance to burn off some energy at Evergreen Park. The weather was perfect, and Kelly & Leslie enjoyed the time to chit-chat and catch up. As you might guess, a trip to DQ followed. Ice cream treats for everyone, even daddy who stayed at home to work (catching up from last week). Pooooooooorrrrrr daddy.

I really need a couple of hours every now & then to get away from the house & clear my mind (and this time rest my ears, too). A big thanks to Kelly for taking such good care of me. Always a voice of reason, Kelly has really helped me keep things in perspective lately, and has a knowledge and authority I respect. Plus, she's fun to hang out with, what more can you ask? Well, I guess I should also mention that she takes GREAT pictures, which I LOVE. And a HUGE thank you to Nana Noma who stayed home to read her book and hold Jordan, the only thing that even has a chance of settling her down.
And speaking of friends, we had a great dinner courtesy of Karen tonight. She brought delicious lasagne & salad, and stayed for dinner and a chance to visit in the wonderful evening weather. We hope she didn't return home to a flood, since Steven skipped dinner with us to finish up his "little" plumbing project at home. Thanks Karen!
And another big thank you to Emma & Catherine for washing the Saturn. They said they were bored, but perhaps they were just tired of looking at months worth of dirt caked onto the Saturn. Avery chatted with them as they washed, and was convinced they cleaned the car so well it turned from purple to red. I really have been meaning to take it through a carwash for a couple of months now, but never seem to actually accomplish it.
Why is it so horrible to hear your child cry? It KILLS me! Jordan was so mellow and calm until about a month or so ago (after starting the ACTH, but those side effects should be gone by now, and seemed to be gone for a few days already). Ear plugs aren't enough. Is she in pain? Is she unhappy? Is she sick? Is she seizing? Is it the teeth? And most importantly, why can't I figure out how to make her stop?! I thought we were all done with the mega-screaming phase, but apparently not. I was just about to take her back to the hospital tonight, just for the screaming -- to see if they could find something wrong with her that I am missing (and fix it). It's strange how it effects the psyche. I can't think, I can't hear other people, I can't concentrate, I can't read, I can't get anything done, and it seriously makes me a little crazy. It's not easy for me to not be able to "get things done." My list just isn't getting any shorter, and as much as I try, and as well as I've done over the last couple of years (of letting go of the list & reprioritizing things), sometimes it just makes me a little crazy to get nothing done.
I can hardly believe it, but she just dozed off (in her bassinette!), so I better get to SLEEP now -- it's a big day at the hospitals tomorrow. No naps for me.
If any of you have any suggestions, I'm all (ringing) ears.
1 comment:
thank you also for being such dear friends,,,,,,,,leslie,devon, and avery.......kate just adores jordan too.
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