11 September 2006

Devon Who?

Wow, what kinda weirdness is this. It's 9:15p.m. and everyone's asleep, except me, of course. I'll definitely try to take advantage of this situation, though.

Jordan slept all night -- until 06:15! Yippee. (Too bad I couldn't fall asleep a little earlier last night and take advantage of that).

Avery found her painting supplies from the binky fairy this morning. She painted for hours, herself included. One painting was of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, she said (brown & purple), but apparently her sweet tooth took over because soon the whole page was brownies (you guessed it, all brown).

Avery went to Jaynie's for a couple hours this morning to jump on the BIG trampoline, watch movies, and do makeup (blush was all she wanted). However, part way through it she decided she wanted to head home, so Jaynie came with her and they played here for awhile while visiting with Nana Noma & Jordan (and I slept). Thanks Jaynie!!! You're still on the "best friend" list, and Avery talked about her adventures with you all day.

Jacoba stopped by for some Jordan snuggles and, apparently, to be mauled by Avery. Avery is such a chatterbox, and snuggler, too. We had a nice visit on the deck while Avery painted, and jumped, and painted, and jumped, and ate, and jumped, and painted, and jumped. . . . Thanks Jacoba!!! You're still on the "best friend" list, too.

Nana Noma left to run some errands and came back with DAISY! This made Avery's day, although Mojave has been engaged in 9 hours of "cat chess" at this point, and we haven't seen Sierra at all (she's probably behind the water heater downstairs). Avery's thrilled, and Daisy settled right in for a nap on Avery's bed this afternoon (then spent most of the day in her room in the closet or in the crib).

Jordan & I did the blood pressure/lab run up to Salmon Creek Hospital. Boring. The lab tech got blood on the first try, again! Yippee. (Is it pathetic that that can make me happy these days?)

Terry stopped by with dinner from Jessica. Pesto pizza and pasta, my all-time favorites. Avery was happy to get to see him since he was at work while Jacoba was here today. Jordan & I were at the hospital (he came by early, so we missed him). Thanks Terry & Jessica, I really appreciate it (especially since I'll just eat cereal for dinner if I can't think of something else. This was delicious!).

Avery & Nana Noma went to swim lessons & Avery did a great job! We'll try gymnastics again when she's a bit older.

Then, to our happy surprise, Jacoba & Terry stopped in again, this time with dinner for tomorrow night! Japanese vegetarian curry. YUMMY. And, they brought Diva & Max with them, so Avery got to play with the dogs for a little while. She likes to look, not touch, but they settled down enough in the end for her to pet them, "soft & gentle." She was tickled pink!!!

I even got a chance to make some phone calls to doctors and complete some errands, too.

Who had time to miss Devon? Just kidding, we missed him lots and can't wait until he's back home.

Thanks everyone for your help!

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