We've been trying to convince Avery that she doesn't need her "ahhhhhhs" anymore, since she's "such a big girl." I have been telling her for months that the day will come when we'll have to gather them all up and mail them to the new babies so they can have ahhhhs, meanwhile Nana Noma has been telling her that when she's done with them we'll put them in a tree and the binky fairy will come take them away and leave a special present for Avery. Yesterday she mentioned a couple of times that she was "such a big girl" that she was going to give her ahhhhhs to the new babies, but then quickly recanted.

Sadly, she did save out one ahhhhhh for bedtime. Oh well, at least it's a step in the right direction. [We've recently instigated two new rules in the house: that she can only have her ahhhh in her bedroom, and that she can't talk with it in her mouth. Its an adjustment.]
Avery writing her note to the new babies. I think it's Arabic, she's even writing it from right to left.

It's true, Avery is "such a big girl" -- and getting bigger every day (smile, sob). I'm thrilled to get rid of them, but at the same time sad to see them go.

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