17 September 2006

Slow Weekend in the News Department

What can I say, it was a slow weekend in the Rowe news department.

I had a "kidless day" yesterday. Well, as kidless as can be. I had a list to work my way through, and I hardly got anything done. Oh well, I read a few magazines, uploaded some pics (now I just have to order them), took a nice long spa bath, and listened to mellow music all day.

Summer seems to be on it's way out, so Devon has decided to get the front of the house painted before the rainy weather sets in. At this point I had forgotten about it not being painted (brown = red in my mind, at least when I'm sitting on the deck). Odd how the mind adapts.

The best way to keep Avery "out" of it was to teach her how to "supervise" -- stand there and point, and tell daddy what to do. This will be good training for when you grow up (but not to be used too much before then.

Nice, to be able to reach without a ladder. Who's ever heard of that (well, at least not in my family).

I'm super sleepy (not to be confused with tired, which does not necessarily equal sleep in my case). These days I'm usually tired, but rarely sleepy at night. Lots of calls to make and errands to run tomorrow, so I think this insomni-maniac is going to try to hit the hay a little early tonight (yes, I say that every night, but I had to rest my eyes at stop lights on the way home from the supermarket tonight, so I'm taking that as a serious sign of sleepiness). At this point in my life, anything before midnight is early, and anything befor 11:00pm is unprecidented. I'm shooting for 11:00!

ACTH = Day 1

ACTH = 48 days on, 3 days off

ACTH = 48 days on, 18 days off

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