Our sleeping angel. I think the cushionoid features are starting to diminish, even though she's still gaining weight at close to 1 ounce/day still.

I am ti-red tonight. Perhaps I won't be quite such an insomni-maniac. (Note, I do say that most nights, and I almost never get to bed any earlier than the night before). However, Jordan is starting to habituate to the Tranxene, so she's not zonking out within an hour like she was the first few nights. But, she still slept through the night last night, so I can only hope that she'll do it again once she finally falls asleep.
Daisy & Mojave on a common level.
Sierra was no where to be seen.

Daisy was getting cabin fever, so she went home today to play with her friend Sammy squirrel, and to put an end to cat chess with Mojave & Sierra. They all seem happier tonight to be back in their respective houses.
Today I signed us up for Inclusion at Vancouver-Clark Parks & Recreation. This means that when we want to go use the facilities (like the incredible, new Firstenburg Center), we can call ahead and get 1-on-1 care for Jordan while we're there. All for $2/90 min. Hell, I'll drop her off and go sleep in the car at that price. . . . Just kidding. We're going to get a family pass for that place!
Then, it was down to Portand for our ~bi-weekly doctor appointment with Jordan's pediatrician. She's working hard to get all the files sent to all the right places. She suggested we do electrolytes & blood pressure once a week now, since things seem to have stabilized finally. We met for about 45 minutes. I find these meetings incredibly useful, not just because of her assessment of Jordan (the usual poking, prodding, looking, & listening), but because she is a great doctor. She is so helpful, concerned, & invested in Jordan, and she cracks the whip & gets things done, always. Over the last 8 months I've learned that I never have to ask for something twice, and I never have to check up to make sure things are done. And there are lots of things to do; calls, faxes, consults, referals. She works day & night, weekday & weekend to help us do what we need to do to take care of Jordan. I tried to thank her again, but I just don't know how I could ever make her understand how truly thankful we are for her. I did tell her today that it was NOT an accident that she was our pediatrician. She is one of the most admired docs in the pediatric department at Emanuel. All the nurses and doctors there think she's great, and they're right. So, thanks Kelly for doing the research, it's certainly paid off for us (although no one really wants to have to rely on their pediatrician in this way).
All of the rest of the day I spent banging my head against a wall trying to get information for me, and for everyone else who needs it. Government programs are so confusing even the people who administer them don't know what they're doing, or who next to refer me to. At one point, after 6 phone calls all leading to absolutely NOTHING, one lady told me that I'd have to apply for Medicaid to get the respite service I was looking for. When I told her we wouldn't qualify for Medicaid, she said "I know, you need to get that rejection letter to start the ball rolling." You have to be kidding me! Why do I want to go through the hell of applying for something I know I'll never get (and you know the application will be lengthy & complicated, and take weeks or months to process). I need respite from this insanity!!! Perhaps if I didn't spend so many hours on the phone on wild goose chases I could get more sleep. I'm more and more convinced they think you'll give up if they make it difficult enough. And many of the doctors' offices are similar. But at least they want our (insurance) money, so ultimately they're much more accommodating. Annoying, but generally accommodating.
Playing together, which really means just playing in the vicinity of each other when you're 5, 2.5, and almost 2.

Then it was breakfast for dinner. Melanie, Galen, Sean, & Sarah had Avery over for a playdate this afternoon, then I joined them a little later for scrambled eggs, toast & bagels, sausage & fruit. It was great! Avery had great table manors (yeah, due to the change of scenery I think), dinner was delicious, and we adults got to sit down and have some adult-style conversations while the kids were (mostly) distracted with their breakfast-dinner. Super thanks to Melanie & Galen for helping us out this afternoon & feeding us tonight.
Hmmmm, why is the date on our milk 18 September, but it already tastes terrible? This is a huge blow to my chocolate milk and cereal diet. I guess that's what I get for trying to save time by buying milk at Target.
I wonder why Jordan is alternating hiccups and grins. Usually they make her mad, but she doesn't seem too miserable with them tonight. At least I am enjoying it. Nothing is better than your own smiling baby. I guess unless it's 3:00am and the baby is asleep.
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