02 September 2006

So This Is Normal

"Normal," of course, is a relative term. It's certainly great to be home, but it's not easy. Jordan did a pretty good job of sleeping last night, and so did mommy and daddy. Hey, anything is better than the nothing we have been getting. Avery went with Nana Noma for the day. It was hot, so they played in the yard and swimming pool, and of course with Daisy. When it was time for Avery's nap, she told Nana that she couldn't go until she finished her "project." She was cutting paper, a new favorite, endless passtime. Nana and daddy didn't have to think twice about where she would come up with an idea like that. Like mother, like daughter. . . .

Jordan is getting back to herself, it seems. She's screaming less, crying more appropriately, and actually sleeping at night and napping during the day. It's relatively glorious. We're still completely off schedule, but we're getting there.

Devon and I tried to get caught up from a week of craziness. A pile of mail to sort through, Jordan's medical stuff all over the house, 7 loads of laundry. Nana Noma hit the supermarket for us yesterday so we could have something to eat (thank goodness). Bank, pharmacy, diapers, and the biggie -- cleaning Jordan's drawers. She's so cushionoid from the ACTH she is wearing size 18-24 months right now. And, as most of you know, she's only 8 months. So, out to the duck barn for the great clothing rotation. It only took a couple of hours. . . .

Devon whipped up a delicious spaghetti sauce made only from veggies from Nana Noma's garden, and some spicy italian sausage "pork"burger (I had tortelinni with pesto). The laundry's still in rotation, Avery finally dozed off, and Devon and I are actually watching a movie while settling Jordan down for the night. I guess we are back to "normal."

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