19 September 2006

It's All In The Timing

I've accidentally created a monster. The other night I was getting frustrated with Avery's stalling tactics at bedtime, and unknowingly started a new tradition. She can be terribly manipulative: "snuggle with me, snuggle with me, you're my best friend and I love you," she bellows, pathetically, playing on my guilt. It doesn't help that, admittedly, I enjoy snuggling and recapping the day's adventures as she dozes off. But the other night I had had enough. I went to the kitchen, grabbed a timer, then told her she had 5 more minutes of snuggling, and when the timer went off, that was it, I had to leave. It worked well, and she settled down to take advantage of the 5 minutes (mind you, she has nooooo concept of actual time), then let me go when the time was up, without further ado.

Well, now you guessed it: All snuggles involve a timer! Even when we're hanging out on the sofa in the living room. "It's time to snuggle, get the timer!"

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