30 September 2006


Well, like that's even possible. . . . But I won't be tied to the big black suction machine anymore. I just wish there wasn't such a lag between stopping and producing milk. I hope this passes before the plane on Tuesday. Mentally I am finally totally ready to do this. I have been enjoying all the extra non-pumping time alot lately. It's so nice not to HAVE to drop everything to run to the couch and pump (or sometimes the car). And I just can't imagine having to take the boob vacuum on a plane at this point. It's big, it's bulky, and it's gotta be suspicious to the TSA! It'll be hard enough dealing with Jordan's medicines and frozen breastmilk while travelling, but I'm sure we'll manage.

Ahhhh, free at last, free at last. [Ouch!]

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