24 September 2006

No Wonder We Don't Get Enough Sleep

It was a busy busy weekend. I have a bunch of pics to post, but that might have to wait until tomorrow. I'm doing a little moonlighting for work, and need to get a few maps finalized tonight so I can send them off before Monday morning.

Grandma Linda & Grandpa Earl came on Friday night. They're here for a week while Nana Noma is in Palmer, Alaska visiting Jill. Avery is beside herself with excitement, since both Daisy (the cat) and Dorothy (the goldfish) are here for the week. Sierra & Mojave are not so happy about it, but I'm sure they'll be friends soon.

Devon & Grandpa Earl are going gangbusters with cleaning and organizing & fixing up. Grandma Linda has been doing lots of Jordan holding, and treating us to gourmet dinners every night. And Nana Noma left us with about enough fresh veggies from her garden to feed 47 people. Delicious. I wish she could grow beans, tomatoes, peas, & cucumbers like those all year 'round. It's easy to forget how delicious non-supermarket produce can be!

Jordan is smiling up a storm these days, even "laughing" sometimes. She makes this adorable noise right before & sometimes during her smiles. It's nice, and we're all very pavlovian these days, instantly turning to meet her grin when she sounds the "smiling bell."

Avery is unbelievable busy. This weekend she helped me with lots of my errands, began a fascination with glue, and decided everyone needs pipecleaner bracelets on their arms and legs, all the time. Boy is she exhausting. She and I also helped our neighbor Sarah celebrate her 2nd birthday today. Happy Birthday Sarah.

Updates: I finally got Jordan's file & pictures mailed off to the NIH yesterday. I wonder how long it will take them to review it and decided if we need to take Jordan out for a consult. I also wonder just how many pictures they needed of an 8-month-old. I sent 19 (in a nice little electronic package, with a print out & details about each one). I bet they'll find one or two they can use.

And with the dairy business: I'm down to 10 minutes (4 times per day) of pumping. Still getting gallons of milk, but I plan to have the pump all packed away by the weekend. I just hope I won't have to fight leakiness the following week in Detroit (but I will be pcking lots of extra clothes anyway).

So, hopefully we'll be hearing the updates about Nana Noma's trip to the great north this week on Jill's blog Northern Exposure. (No pressure Jill, ha! You gotta keep us informed!)

Okay, pictures to come later (Monday?).

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