Patterson Lake, Washington. Looking down from the upper portion of the road up to Sun Mountain. How does the waiting room at UCLA Medical Center have a painting of an insignificant little lake in the middle of nowhere Washington? Why was I there to see it? Once again, small world.
Getting her hooked up for an EEG -- fast. This one lasted almost 48 hours, and confirmed that she was not having tonic seizures. Phew!
Don't touch my head, Jordan screams, but they just ignore her and keep going, at record pace I might add.
Not one single electrode even wiggled loose over 48-hours. They sure know how to anchor those things.

Finally, some peace and quiet.

One more time, into the PET.
We make due in the hospital, even if that's bathing in bed in a dishpan. And believe me, she needed it! She was barfing and pooping everywhere, and I hardly knew which end to attend to. Sedation can make one nauseous.

Believe me, I've slept on worse!
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