27 November 2006

"Happy Feet," Happy Kids

Avery & Kate had their first trip to a real movie theater today! It was quite an event, and certainly a longer movie than I had expected, but they were troopers. They stood, they sat, they snuggled together, they danced, they sat on our laps, but they did it. Avery seems mostly to remember the helicopter at the end, and that it was noisy in the theater. She also shows us how the penguins 'shaked their booties,' and loved how they slid on their stomachs. She is very excited about it still!

I don't normally like cartoons, but this one was pretty funny, and certainly had some adult holding power. And to be honest, I'm so out of it these days, when my mom mentioned this movie a couple of weekends ago, I didn't even know what she was talking about. That's what I get for cancelling my newspaper subscription & hardly watching TV I guess.

To top it off, we had snowflakes on and off all day today. Nothing stuck, but little white bits were flying all around for a large part of the day. Won't it be exciting if we get some to stick (like the weather folks are predicting over the next couple of days)?! Call in the penguins!

Long lost friends hugging in the parking lot. You'd think they hadn't seen each other in years.

I guess this makes it official.

The tights Kate wore to her first movie. They were just so cute I had to put them in.

(All photos by Kelly Wood)

1 comment:

Julie, Jeff, Jack, WIll and Jasper said...

I loved reading your last few posts. My mom thinks that you should write a book. Maybe sometime when you come by a bunch of spare time. You are such a nice writer. The material is all here- just print off the blog! Tell Devon I am sending him a treat at the end of the week. I will send it priority so it gets to him fast.
xox JJJJ