Hangin' out on the trampoline at baby group this morning.

This is a huge difference from our PT at the hospital. Her therapist there just didn't seem to know what to do with her, and PT was mostly a waste. But armed with a new crinkle ribbon, instructions to spend more more more time on the floor, and the addition of an oblong exercise ball, I'm sure she'll be sitting, then crawling in no time flat. Okay, but I can dream, can't I?

Hey, you better not let go. Julie thinks it's great training to get kids to do things when they are feeling a bit insecure -- for example, like they're about to roll off a ball onto their head. The way Devon's hands shot up, he must have thought she was going down, too.

Just taking a little rest.
Playing with crinkle paper while getting a massage and practicing standing. Wow, that's a lot of things to be doing all at once.

Good posture, good posture, can't emphasize that enough. And the nice thing is that you can even have good posture while you're sleeping.

Hey, these shoulder stretches are disturbing my sleep, ease up a bit or I'll have to wake up.
Okay, I can sleep in this chair if you want me to.

1 comment:
I love the shoulder stretch photo! That Julie seems pretty amazing!
Good work on the playroom. Lookse like you will just need trim and to move in and you will be all done!
Remind me to bring claritin when I come, I keep forgetting about your cats (or as Jack would say doggie doggie DOGGIE!!!).
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