21 November 2006

That Time Of The Year

The days are shorter & wetter, the holiday season is looming, and yes, the noses are stuffy. My nose, Avery's nose, Julie, Jack, Astrid, Matt, Kelly, Kate, & Ed, too. Jordan has started little mini-barfs, so the big ones are sure to follow. The girls had their flu shots today (without Thimerisol, thank you very much), and are current on their Prevnar vaccines (for pneumonia & few others), so hopefully we'll avoid all but the common cold this season. Illness can be brutal for Jordan, small things for everyone else have proved to be devastating to her system in the past. Only time will tell. . . .

Avery & Jordan weren't too traumatized to pose with nurse Bilithea after she gave them their shots.

And speaking of pneumonia, best wishes to cousin Ally who just got out of the hospital with pneumonia, and her twin brother Jamie, who was stuck at home with RSV at the same time. Yikes! It sounds like they're on the mend, so we wish them well.

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