As I've said recently many times, hectic. It seems like forever since Avery & Kate had a good ol' play date, and Kelly, Devon, & I got to catch up.
Avery & Kate are always sooooooo excited to see each other. Over the last 3 years that has meant many different ways of playing: parallel play, then fighting over everything, now, the major mode of play is "chase & scream." Although completely unintended, the great room island has become a full on race course. Clockwise, counterclockwise, pushing a stroller, wearing the wrong person's boots on the wrong feet, it doesn't matter. They just chase & scream & chase & scream around & around & around -- for hours. I'm exhausted watching them. And what fun is chasing with out skrieks of joy & laughter (did I mention the screaming?). It's funny, though, because even though it's total chaos, it's almost calming because they're just doing their own thing, no arguing, or grabbing, or pushing, or anything. Believe it or not, this is definitely an age where 2 is easier than one.

Then everyone put on yellow & red/pink pajamas for a group picture, but Kate refused & just wanted to sit in the Bumbo seat. Oh well. We can't have everything.

Meanwhile, the adults did manage to talk a little bit over & through the screams, and Jordan only startled about 500 times or so in 4 hours.
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