Okay, so we didn't get Veteran's Day (Remembrance Day) off, but it was still a long weekend for us. On Friday I was so tired poor Avery had to self-play for about an hour in the morning, while Jordan & I dozed on the sofa. She got bored after awhile and slipped down to Devon's office to join him on a conference call. Ooops! Those 2-year-olds are slippery!
After all my errands I hit the hay at 5:45pm!!! I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer, so I just went to bed and left Devon to deal with it all. I think I got up for awhile to tuck Avery in and watch Law & Order, but I don't even know which version it was, let alone what happened on that episode.

It must have done some good, though, because Saturday I woke up refreshed and ready to tackle the world. Okay, not the world, but the house. Okay, not the whole house, but the upstairs -- the main living area. In preparation for moving into the new play room I cleaned out Avery's toy depot. This took HOURS, and a late night run to Goodwill (she was at nana Noma's, or it wouldn't have happened, and we've made the mistake of leaving things in the trunk, only to have them discovered before they were discarded). I also went nuts with the kitchen drawers & cupboards, some because they were annoying, others because I'm dying to get moved into the new pantry/mud room ASAP.
Things have been so hectic the last couple of weeks that we hadn't been to the super market for quite awhile (with a list of more than 3 items, that is). Avery & I were there for 2 hours, and I think I set a new record with both volume purchased, and money spent. (Avery was pretty annoyed to have a box of Jordan diapers ramming her in the head as we went down the last 2 aisles before the checkout, but that's where they fit in the cart.) Now we just need a place to put it all. So, as soon as I got home, I sent Devon to Home Depot for shelving.
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