01 May 2007

Biker Chick

With all the time we've been spending outside in the nice weather, I decided it was time to get Avery a bicycle. Our neighborhood is brutal for biking (very hilly) so I hadn't thought much about it. But, I noticed the other day as we were "worm hunting" (weeding) that the area below the house is quite flat, and it's a double dead end cul-de-sac. Bingo -- we have a bike riding place now. There wasn't very much choice in her size, but luckily the Spider Man bike was a size too big, so I was able to talk her out of that (ugly) thing.

After we picked this purple one she rode it (slowly) up and down the aisle, all the way to the check-out lane, and then out of the store to the car. She was just getting good in the store when we went out, but she did fine there, too. However, she wasn't too excited about biking in the driveway; short, but still a little too much topography for her liking. She seems to have Devon's sense of caution about things & isn't too daring with new things (which I find hard to understand, as I was fearless as a kid & have the battle scars to show for it).

I'm sure she'll get some good practice in at nana Noma's & Kate's. They have great neighborhoods to bike in.