03 May 2007

Biker Girls

On Tuesday I took Avery down to the end of the road to try out her new bike in the neighborhood. It works great when you walk it! She was NOT into it. Even though she rode it all the way through the store and out to the car on Monday night, she complained that the road was too bumpy, and she wouldn't ride it. So, we walked it around the neighborhood, helmet in all.

In the end, she told me that she wanted to go to Kate's and have her try it out. Kate got a flashy pink Barbie at Easter, and is a pro. Also, she has a nice, flat sidewalk & road. So we loaded up and headed over to the Woods' to see if the bike worked better over there. It did. She's only posing here on the bike because I told her she needed to sit on it to get a popsicle. Believe me, she didn't move an inch.

A kiss for Kate's scratched elbow.
A hug for the helmet twin best friends.
The meeting of great minds.

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