20 May 2007

How Dirty Can We Get?

Rain or shine, it was Dozer Day on Saturday. Thankfully it was half-way in between. Not too hot, and not raining. So, dusty is the best word to describe it. Well, dusty & PACKED!!! What a great fund raiser! We even, miraculously, ran into Logan & Dan there. They were in the line to dig right beside us.

After about 30 minutes in line (which is like 3 hours when you're 3, I suspect), Avery had her 4 minutes of digging. She was "into" it for about 1 minute, then spent the other 3 talking to the operator or looking around to see what everyone else was doing (digging, they had about 10 in a row there). Other events included digging for treasures (with a shovel in some sand piles, with mini-equipment in others), climbing all over big machinery (I bet they have a lot of liability insurance for this event), and watching candy fly off a conveyor belt (but not getting to it in time because the girls were too distracted with the horn of the dozer they were on at the time). Then we had an ice cream break & headed home for some more play time.

Waiting, and waiting, and waitingWhen they couldn't stand still anymore it became "Ring Around The Daddy"
Then time to build rock piles
Finally it was Avery's turn to dig
. . . and to watch everything else going on, too
Kate decided she didn't want a turn digging, but had lots of fun going through the tunnel maze. It took awhile for us to extract them, a common problem for all the parents.
Digging with the kid-size equipment was pretty fun, too!
Climbing up on the big dozer (not in operation, except the very LOUD horn!). How to shoot candy all over the place! We missed the action (the girls were on the dozer), but I was glad not to be in the middle of the candy scavange. The big hauler was pretty fun, too. Okay, you drop her, I'll catch her (Avery was not amused, but there was no actual dropping of anyone). Ice cream & snow-cone breakAvery wouldn't let me take a picture of her & her ice cream without sharing the glory with the cool rock she found. Hmmmmm, girl after my own heart? No better way to have ice cream & snow-cones than to trade & have both. Digging for treasuresTheir pretty, smiley-face rings. Not exactly diamonds, but they were thrilled. I guess we probably should have gotten the pretend hard hats on the way in, instead of the way out. . . .
After pizza & hot dogs at home, Kate & Avery played dress-up for awhile with costumes from the Costumes Box (there are ~25 or so in there, various sizes). Kate wanted to be a princess, and was great in the high heels. She was annoyed when I made her take them off to ride the bicycle or go walking around the yard (they're real plastic ankle-breakers!). Avery couldn't decide, so she started off with the spider costume, but soon decided it was more fun to be a police woman and arrest people for "breaking the log." Kate soon got tired of being arrested. . . no matter what she was doing (the dangers of having just a little too much power).

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