01 May 2007

Le'go My Legos!

There was at least one great treasure unburied in the great duck barn attack on Sunday -- my old Lego collection. A couple of ice-cream tubs worth. They were a little dusty, so after a starting to build a house I had to stop the activities to wash them. It might take forever for them to dry. . . . Avery PROMISED she wouldn't put them in her mouth or leave them on the floor for me to step on. We'll see how long that lasts. She did play with them a little bit, but was much more fascinated with the little Lego people, who went off to play with her little animal friends.

I'm sure we'll have HOURS of entertainment together with these. I can see me adding and adding to the set. Now, where can I get a box big enough to sort each of the colors and types of pieces into their own compartment. . . ?
I'm sure you haven't seen the last of these by any means.


Julie, Jeff, Jack, WIll and Jasper said...

I'm sure Avery will be fine with the lego. What a score! That is a TON!!! That is what I am looking for. We gave our old lego to some friends of the family and they won't give it back. We are starting our own collection.

Astrid said...

For storage you need a container with drawers like the one you have for Jordans meds. That is a tonne of lego ... I can't believe how much stuff you have from your childhood. I have one rubbermaid container that has my teddy bear and barbie!