29 April 2007

Motorcycles & Tonapahs

This is the original "Motorcycle" photo, taken when Jill was ~2 and I was ~6. We tried to semi-recreate it with Avery & Jordan last weekend, but I think we'll have to try again next year, too.
As I was looking for this particular motorcycle picture tonight I found a couple of Tonapah pictures I just had to post (mostly for Angel). [Note: Jordan's now off her 5:58am "Tonapah schedule," and now just randomly wakes up in the early morning screaming for a new diaper, a burp, and lately, to cough for an hour or two. . . .]

Bucky, our resident elk that lived with Toni & the horses for about 6 months one year. He was shot on the Kalispel Reservation the following fall :-(

Me, Jill, & Toni in her full riding get-up. Believe me, she never budged an inch. I would try carrots and treats, and even resorted to trying to pick up her feet and move them manually. She'd let you do anything to her, but she wouldn't let you "ride" her. She'd even let you sit there all day, if you could stand it. This is exactly why burros are known to be STUBBORN!!

1 comment:

Julie, Jeff, Jack, WIll and Jasper said...

WOW! I didn't read your blog over the weekend and boy did I have a lot to catch up on today! I think you should take a photo of your dolls, snow globes, and trophies and then donate or sell them at a garage sale. You can't be expected to keep all that stuff : )!!

Hope Jordan is getting over her snot!
xo jul