23 April 2007

Road Warriors (?)

Almost 2 years ago we loaded up the Saturn & headed northeast to the Driver family farm in Usk, Washington. We were only in Troutdale, Oregon by the time we were ready to get out and go buy a bigger car for the rest of the trip (20 miles down, 385 miles to go!). Devon's knees were hitting the dashboard, Avery was kicking the backs of our seats, and I was 4 months pregnant and already uncomfortable sitting for ~8 hours. It was shortly after that trip that we bought the Pilot.

Devon & I reminisced about how 'whimpy' we've become. When we lived in L.A./O.C. we used to just jump in the truck on a Friday night and drive up to the Sierras, or over to the Grand Canyon or Death Valley, or up the Owens Valley. Devon would usually drive & I'd lay out in the back and sleep, then we'd pack it all up and head into the hills for the weekend, living out of a backpack. Now it takes a mini-van to get anywhere, and we're lucky to get the tent up in the back yard for a summer sleep-out.

We hadn't been across the state since that trip, until Friday. We loaded up the Odyssey (phew, so much space!) and went for a family weekend on the farm, and to help grandma Kay celebrate her 50th birthday (last Wednesday) with an almost surprise party on Saturday afternoon. Other exciting events included: a stop at Riverfront Park in Spokane for a ride on the carousel of my childhood, building a new cow fence, watching wild "gobbles" (turkeys), riding the 4-wheeler & motorcycle (yes, Avery did it, much to my shock, and she liked it), playing with a new litter of kittens, watching the sheep herd get sheared, and a trip to the local buffalo ranch. Devon & I sneaked away for a lunch in Oldtown, Idaho, and Devon was thrilled to have had a 3-state trip*. And, of course, the big birthday party at the Usk Community Hall. It's hard to believe we were only gone for 3 days, and that we drove a total of 885 miles (1416 kilometers) in that time. As much fun as we had, we were glad to be home last night!

And as you might have guessed -- pictures to come!

*We drove half of the trip in Oregon on the south side of the Columbia River, then north through Washington to Usk, and then 10 miles southeast to Newport, Washington/Oldtown, Idaho.

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