11 April 2007

Can't Keep Up

It's been hard to keep up on the blog over the last couple of weeks. So much is going on, none the least of which include:
  • Avery's allergies were actually a cold, and now Jordan's really sick. Not hospital sick (not yet at least, knock on wood), but miserable, super-snotty, running the suck-o machine day and night to keep her breathing sick;
  • Devon's in northern BC for work for 3 days;
  • my internet access is spotty, to say the least (it seems to be a problem with the cable coming into the house, so hopefully Comcast will get it sorted out soon);
  • I'm trying hard to keep my new year's resolution of going to bed before midnight so I can sleep at night and stay awake during the day (shocking idea, I know);
  • and to top it all off, I'm still fiddling with my ~600 Easter week pics, but getting close to having some to post. I love the digital camera, but I'd have a lot more time for other things (sleep included) if they hadn't been invented yet.


Julie, Jeff, Jack, WIll and Jasper said...

Don't sweat it. We love to hear your updates but we can miss one or two days!

Astrid said...

Funny how sleep always seems to fall off the "priority list" right after - exercise!