28 April 2007

Who Turned On The Faucet

Ugggghhhhhh, when will the snot stop?!?!?! It's just one big, long, snotty season in this house, and I am just about at my wits end. The suck-o is working overtime, and my nerves are shot. It's emotionally & physically exhausting. I started around around 5:00am, and have been at it all day. I made the mistake of going to my mom's without the suck-o, thinking it would be a welcome break. Big mistake, she was swimming in mucous in no time, and I was going crazy not being able to suck it all out first. When will it end?? When will it end?? Can't she just have her snot organ removed???

Meanwhile, Devon was re-building nana Noma's fence gate, and Avery was as busy as ever playing with worms, sorting rocks (a girl after my own heart), and T-ball. She's getting pretty good hitting the T-ball, much better than hitting a golf ball!!

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