29 May 2007

Bathing Beauties & Other Weekend Shots

Canada's new top models: Avery & Jordan all ready for a swim with Devon and grandpa Earl at the Hope community pool. Avery hates getting her picture taken (grrrrr), so trying to get her to smile is quite a task. Usually it ends up in total defiance, or lots of silly looks & comments. This is what she came up with when I was instructing her to smile!Jordan sunbathing -- she loves the sun like she loves the water, but with skin that pale she can't take too much at a time. Avery's very adamant about "holding" Jordan these days. It's not easy, but she keeps practicing (as long as someone is always near in case Jordan protests & tries to slide away). Okay, this was what the duck barn looked like on Monday before we started unloading it. The big cleaning we did a few weeks ago stopped at the top floor, when we knew we'd have to pull it all out again for the exterminator. And, believe it or not, this was wayyyyyy better than it was before the first cleaning. . . .
Empty walls, all ready for shelves. I hope we can get that done before the rain comes! We left the stuff upstairs that was already in plastic boxes, then used secondary containment (painter plastic & duct tape). Boy, do our neighbors love us!! With all the camping & sports equipment it would seem like we live an adventure-filled life. 1 giant box of full hockey gear for both of us, ~5 boxes of camping gear, diving equipment, skis & boots, snowboards & boots, fishing gear, curling brooms & shoes, etc, etc, etc. Perhaps we'll actually get to use some of that stuff again, someday.
Always trying to make the most of the van, Devon decided that being sandwiched between the girls (and their carseats) was the way to go on our drive to Hope on Friday. We both get so car sick that neither of us was doing well sitting in the back, diving forward every few minutes to suction Jordan. So, she moved to the back with the rest of the cool folks. Squish squish.
Devon did this to her hair on purpose, after he bathed her last night. "Jordan Idol" he calls her like this. We decided her hair is a combo of my curls & Devon's unruliness.
Be thankful smells are not transfered over the internet . . . . Bleck -- a jug full of Jordan sludge! We fill 1 to 2 of these a day when she's sick (and yes, a good bit of it in the middle is water from flushing out the hose, while the snot & mucous settles at the bottom & floats on the top, for the most part).

1 comment:

Astrid said...

Could you imagine if you didn't have the duck barn??? It is amazing how much stuff one accumulates and how homes today have no storgae space (especially new homes where you can barely get your 2 cars in the garage let alone store anything. And you have your own 2 story storgae house ... I'm jealous.