02 August 2006


Devon just can't get enough of that joke, and claims not to remember that he says it every time (okay, both times he was there for the EEG).

Here's Jordan getting her 3rd EEG yesterday. It's best to hold still or sleep during them, but of course Jordan was as fidgety as could be during the whole thing. The tech assured us that it was a good scan, and now we anxiously await the results, after the doctor has read it. Perhaps he will call today or tomorrow with instructions to continue the ACTH, because he saw an improvement. Perhaps he will call with instructions to start a new drug. Perhaps he won't call and we'll have to wait until Monday to find out, when we go to his office. As usual, we'll just have to wait and see.

I'm never really excited about getting test results these days, because the tests are for such horrible things, and I think that I'm too scared to know. This usually makes doctor visits and phone calls close to unbearable, and although she hasn't been diagnosed with a specific "disease" yet, we've had enough bad news over the last 7 months to have developed a natural aversion to it. Knowledge is power, I know the saying, but many times knowledge is also terribly depressing and heartbreaking.

So, fingers crossed that we'll have some good news, for once.

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