15 August 2006

If It's Not One . . . It's The Other, Or Both!!

The injured foot, with lidocaine, a bandaid,
an ice pack, a funny sock, and of course,
the stinger still in place!

. . . screaming kid . . . that is. Yikes, what a day & evening. Jordan was par for the course these days. In fact, I think she's building up her endurance and her vocal chords, while I'm building up my ability to tune out the screaming (or at least turn up the radio). Weaning ACTH: 1 day down, 14 days to go.

Then Avery, who was in a perfectly wonderful mood, jumped on a yellowjacket while jumping (barefoot) on her trampoline. This is one of the worst possible scenarios with her: She has phenomenally goosy feet, and is as stubborn as 10 mules. So, after 2 hours of screaming, I finally pinned her down on her bed to have a look at her foot and saw, as her foot flailed through the air, that the stinger was still in place (big surprise). Getting down to business was nothing short of pure torture for both of us. It seems humanly impossible for her to let anyone touch her feet, let alone dig and poke around. No matter how hard you hold, she can still wiggle enough to make stinger extraction virtually impossible. By the time we were done we were both in tears & apologizing to each other. Only a mommy/daughter popsicle feast and a nice, long bath could settle things down. Of course daddy was right there with his "I told you to always wear you shoes outside" lecture. Apparently she gets her goosy feet from daddy, but her natural barefootedness from mommy.

So, how do you comfort a miserable 2-year-old? Strawberry & banana foozies (smoothies), self portraits with the digital camera, and watching "froggy movie" (also a picture by Avery).

The good news: I forgot about and couldn't hear Jordan screaming for ~2 hours during the stinger episode.

Even daddy claimed a headache, pretty early in the night, too. Never a dull (or quiet) moment!

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