18 August 2006

Puff Baby

It was a long night with very little sleep last night, for everyone except Avery, who slept completely unphased through the scream-fest. Lucky her.

We were trying to get Jordan to eat all day, but she was so upset we couldn't get the food in or keep it in if we did. This made her more hungry (a side effect of the ACTH), and therefore more upset, probably the main cause of all the recent screaming. Or possibly it was the high blood pressure. Or the urinary tract infection we accidently found out about today. So now we've added Lasix and Augmenten to our daily medicine routine. I never knew a baby could take so many meds. . . .

Jordan's fancy hospital-style hook-up. Not exactly what we were looking for in living room decorations, but oh well. It minimized the screaming, so I guess we'll keep it.
Back to the screaming. Last week we received a feeding pump for Jordan, and honestly expected to leave it boxed up in the garage. However, Devon unpacked it this morning, and by the time I woke up from my 2-hour nap, he'd managed to get about twice as much food into her than we could possibly have hoped doing it with a bolus feed. Yippee. It seemed to do the trick, and she was MUCH more mellow today. Her blood pressure was still too high, but it might take the Lasix a few days to kick in.

It seems funny that we would have to feed her more. I mean look at those puffy cheeks! She's behemoth. And I guess if we need to feed her MORE to keep her happy, she's just going to get bigger. My arms are sore from toting her 20-lbs body around. Oh how I wish she could sit and hold her head up and be a bit more like an 8-month-old. I really do need to figure out a better way to tote her around! I want to use one of thoses baby wraps, but they seem like such hard work just to get her in, and it seems like it would be too hot in the summer weather. And all that wrapping & tying. I guess I'll never know until I actually get around to trying one.

Here's hoping for an uneventful and sleepful night tonight! We could all use it.

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