23 August 2006

It's A Jungle Out There

Avery has been Nana Noma's right-hand-gal all spring and summer in the garden. Digging holes, planting (all over the yard, not just in the garden), spraying water (usually on nana), and picking the harvest (then popping the pickin's straight into her mouth) have kept the pair busy all summer. For the second summer in a row, nana's tomatoes have grown into a jungle, and the zucchinis have gone bananas. Also prolific: peas, cucumbers, carrots, beans, crook-neck squash, and even a pretty good sized pumpkin (that hasn't turned orange yet).

Then there are the cherries, apples, & pears in the trees. Unfortunately, Nana Noma is the only person in the neighborhood without a dog or two, so the neighborhood racoons decided to live in her yard. The pears are a write-off, each one with a racoon bite, then tossed to the ground. Such a waste for us humans.

I always seem to forget just how great homegrown vegetables taste, compared to what you get in at the supermarket during the non-summer months. Yum!!!

A little bit about the outfit: 2 leotards, she tried them both on at the same time, and is trying to decide which she likes best for her gymnastics class that starts after Labor Day. The red boots were just for FUN!!

In the beginning. . .

Reaping the benefits of a summer of gardening TLC. It's pretty clear to me that, like the knitting gene, the gardening gene skips a generation (hey, at least I can't be responsible for dead rocks!!)

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