28 August 2006

A Good Time Was Had By All

It was a good weekend. Devon & Avery had a great trip to Grandma Linda & Grandpa Earl's house in Hope, BC. Avery was very comfortable there very quickly, and had lots to tell me as soon as she got home. She also told me that she missed Jordan & me, and that she loved me, and that I was her best friend. My heart melted, of course. She and Devon reported that we'll be spending alot of time in Hope, and that it's wonderful beyond words. I can't wait to go check it out for myself. (I have driven through there a number of times, but don't really remember the specific details of the town.)

Jordan & I had the closest thing to a relaxing weekend I can think of. I basically slept all day on Saturday. I was feeling like a true zombie, much more tired than usual. I figured the weeks of sleepless nights were catching up with me, and it was great to just be able to sleep all day, knowing Nana Noma was taking care of Jordan. I solved a bit of the zombie mystery today. In addition to the weeks of sleepless nights that certainly contributed to my ultra-napping were the 2 Tylenol PM tablets I took around noon yesterday for my headache. I didn't notice until today that they were PM!!!! I thought they were just Tylenol. It all makes so much sense now. I was destined to get a good sleep yesterday.

Sleepy, sleepy, sleeping. Hip hip hooray!

Get off my boppy, Daisy!

Today I didn't sleep nearly as much, but hung out in the yard with Jordan, reading, resting, and watching Daisy play with her friend "Sammy Squirrel" (Avery's term) all over the yard and in the trees. Is it possible for a cat and a squirrel to be friends? They do seem like it, and the squirrel even comes to the door some mornings, "waiting" for Daisy to come out and play.

Jordan went "swimming" in the blue bucket, which turned into a bath. She's pretty grubby these days with the cold sweats, the drooling, the spit-up, and the diarrhea (from the augmenten). In fact, she got 2 baths today, the second after her pesto-like poop fountained out the top-back of her diaper all over my leg and Nana Noma's carpet. Holy crap! Literally. Only one more dose of augmenten left, so hopefully that will go away soon.

This isn't so bad, Nana Noma's thumb is good, quit looking at my fat rolls!

Well, here it is in the middle of the night again, with a full week to look ahead to. I'm a little bit anxious about tomorrow. I have a whole list of labs to get collected for little miss screamer, and they won't be easy. They will be sent all over the country for analysis, and the results to ~6 or more doctors. That's alot of paperwork. And while I really appreciate the new hospital up the road, I hate to be the guinea pig that has to test out the system. I'm also pretty anxious about the test results themselves. The crystals in the urine & urinary tract infection mysteries are leading to some pretty scary possibilities. I know that we want a diagnosis, but I also know that we don't want a bad diagnosis (and by bad at this point I basically mean fatal during childhood). With these types of tests that's certainly, but not necessarily, on the table.

Now there are bruises and track marks.

I wonder how long this will take to heal?

Call me crazy & knock on wood, but I think Jordan is slowly starting to come out of her steroid-induced rage. She still screams, don't get me wrong, but I think she's screaming a little bit less, and sleeping a little bit more. Or, maybe it's just wishful thinking. We'll see, only 2 more shots of ACTH, then a couple days to get it flushed through the system, and viola! - a whole new IS free Jordan (that's the plan anyway).

Hey, we'll take the sleep anyway we can get it, even if it looks this silly. Good night twinkle toes.

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