14 August 2006

Back Yard Adventures

We were dying for a night on the ground (ahhhhh, all those summers of fires, field work, canoeing, hiking, etc.), but hadn't seemed to be able to organize an official camping trip yet this summer (without the RV, that is). So, taking advantage of the perfect weather & bright moon, we pitched the tent in the back yard, built a fire on the rock terrace for roasting marshmallows and making s'mores, watched the Perseid meteor shower, and experienced the night time chess game of the neighborhood cats. [It's a rough neighborhood for cats, so Mojave and Sierra are very amenable to staying inside their safe, red house, day after day.]

Kelly & Kate joined us for the campfire and marshmallows. Avery & Kate quickly lost interest in the campfire, and instead shoved marshmallows in their mouths then ran around the yard and tent on a major sugar high! Then Avery & Daddy fell asleep in the tent around 9:30. Jordan snoozed by the fire, and slept outside (yes, outside the tent, as daddy & Avery slept inside) until after midnight. When mommy showed up a little after midnight to feed, change, and snuggle Jordan in for the night, she decided she'd had enough of the camping business. An hour later mommy conceeded, and the two of us headed in. Jordan immediately fell asleep, for 4 hours. Daddy & Avery slept straight through until 8:00. I was jealous. . . .

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