12 August 2006

Crab Crab Fuss Fuss

It's hard to show crabbiness in pictures, and it's even harder to live with. Boy oh boy is Jordan crabby these days!! Her blood pressure is rising, so that may be causing the crying, and screaming, and arching, and extending. Or all that activity could be causing her blood pressure to rise. Either way, my nerves are raw, and my heart is breaking listening to her fuss fuss fuss, most of the day and night (yes, this has cut into her sleeping time, too). Everyone swears it will go away when we stop the ACTH, so I guess we'll just have to endure and know that she'll be better all around when this treatment is over.

Speaking of treatment and getting better, Jordan had her 4th EEG yesterday. On Monday we'll meet with the ped neurologist to discuss further treatment options.

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