24 December 2006

Merry Christmas

What more can I say -- I hope everyone was nice today & that Santa brings you everything you hope for.

We had a nice, semi-lazy day today: Devon & Avery made shortbread cookies for Santa, & went to Happy Feet. Jordan & I relaxed at nana Noma's house, and she cooked a big turkey dinner. Before heading out for the day, Devon and the girls each had a "super bubble bath" -- and boy did they all need it. Don't worry, it might be a little hairy, but it's all G-rated. In fact, Avery asked more than once why daddy wears his undies in the bath. He told her they needed extra soaking. I'm sure that's a perfectly valid reason, too.

We wish we would have thought of baths for settling down Jordan when she was on ACTH (steroids) over the summer. She always seems to relax, and often falls asleep in the water. [Of course Avery hated a bath for a LONG time, so we didn't really think of it for Jordan.]
After dinner we all opened one present. Nana Noma took Avery shopping last week and let her pick out a few things for everyone. She picked out a figurine of a guy playing a flute for Devon, a fire-fighter lady figurine for me, and a purple barf bucket for Jordan. No kidding! And, perfectly on cue, only seconds after opening the gift, Jordan barfed & the bucket was there to catch it. How thoughtful of Avery. How odd overall.

When we got home Avery got ready for bed in record speed, then set out the cookies & milk for Santa, and carrots, celery & water for the reindeer. It seems that the Sierra & Mojave have found them already, though. . . .
Naughty kitties (as usual). I wonder how many marbles we're going to find in the litter box this weekend (from the Marbleworks birthday present). I've already given up putting ribbon on the presents, they just eat the ribbon, then I have to scoop sausage links from the litter box every day. Luckily, besides drinking the water, they don't fiddle with the Christmas tree or ornaments.
Sierra sneaking out from her December watering bowl.
Oops, this Santa seems to be on top of the holiday with one exception: I forgot to buy actual stocking stuffers. Luckily we have some prizes left over from the birthday party last weekend that will have to do.

Have a good, restful, santa-filled night!

The face of our angel!

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