19 December 2006

Almost 3 & Will Say Anything

I have to say I'm constantly impressed by Avery these days. Okay, except for the absolute meltdowns in the stores over toys & candy. But all of you with older toddlers/preschoolers probably know what I mean to some degree. She says the funniest things, and helps out so much. It's like she's a little person these days, no longer just a toddler.

She's really into "Over The Hedge" recently and wants to see "Happy Feet" again, even though she knows it's loud, long, and you have to be quiet and sit in your seat. She's now quoting movies, too: some favorites are "back down, sista," "I just can't believe my eyes," and putting her hands in her ears while doing "la la la la la la" when she doesn't want to hear something (e.g. it's time to get out of the bath, put your toys away). Too cute. Devon almost died laughing last night when he was trying to get her pajamas on and she gave him the "back down, sista" line. She remembers EVERYTHING now.

We made it to Jordan's neurometabolic clinic appointment today, and it didn't go that badly. They are still stumped as to what's going on, but had been doing some thinking, researching, and discussing since we last saw them in October, and were ready to offer a new set of tests, refer us to their genetics department, and get us going with their feeding group (mainly because we really feel we are not getting great advice & terrible communication from our current dietician).
I managed not to cry today, but I also managed not to ask questions I didn't want to hear the answer to, so that always helps.

After Jordan's appointment nana Noma stayed home and snuggled with her while Avery & I ran some errands. Avery had an incredibly busy day today playing with her birthday party presents. She hasn't even opened presents from the family yet -- we were saving those for her actual birthday on Friday. Then Christmas on Monday -- I can't wait to clean out the old toys to make room for the new ones!

And, spontaneously, I decided to get Avery's hair cut today. We were both tired of all the tangles. She was "shy" during the cut, and wouldn't exactly do what she was told in terms of looking where she was supposed to, so it seems to be a little uneven. I was irritated at first at the idea of having to take her back, but if she's always got her head tilted to the left, will anyone ever notice? I can't get her to hold her head still & level, so it might be a day or so before I decide she needs to go back.
I finally got all the birthday party pics off the cameras today, so perhaps by tomorrow I'll be able to post some. We'll see. 2 doc appoints tomorrow, so that will keep us busy.
Note: I only had the phone camera today, so they're a bit fuzzy.

1 comment:

Julie, Jeff, Jack, WIll and Jasper said...

Avery looks lovely! It will grow out fast enough, don't worry about going back now!