Some days Avery comes with us to OT or PT. She LOVES it, as the therapists let her play on the equipment that Jordan isn't using (or any other patients, as sometimes we do share the rooms with other kiddos). This week at OT she got to swing, slide, and flip around on the monkey bars, and at PT she got to roll around and even "help" Jordan with some of her lessons.
Jordan at OT, working on mouth sensitivity
Avery at OT, having a blast
Avery with Jordan's teacher Miss Sarah, making music for Jordan during her PT
Jordan gets a chance to play the bells, too
But, she'd rather try to eat them (which is good -- most kids want to put everything in their mouths)
PT Whitney & Jordan take a break from exercises to smile for the camera
PT Ryan entertains us all, especially Avery
Burning off some energy in the PT room
Hmmmm, when is it snack time? 

PT Nicole gets Jordan weighed and measured for her new wheelchair
Jordan didn't like the floor model they were using as a guide, she wants one of her own!
Nurse Sharon put ponies in Jordan's hair -- doesn't she look like a bit girl now?
Jordan doing her "homework" -- ymmmm, sucking on her own hand is a big step forward
Jordan wasn't feeling great on Wednesday, and all the activity didn't help
And barfing made her extra MAD! (yes, that's Jordan's mad face)

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