07 November 2007

Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder

Well, if that's true, you should all LOVE me right now. Although I've been blogging in my head and with my spirit lately, my energies have been focussed on my father & my family at home, and I really haven't had the time & mental strength to blog too much. So, I'm going to catch up a bit here today.

About 2 weeks ago we were notified that Jordan will be receiving 8-hours of in-home nursing care per day indefinitely. This is a huge victory. I'm not even sad that I have a child with such a need, because believe me, this is not an easy thing to qualify for. But Jordan's health-care needs are extreme, and with winter & cold & flu season coming on, we will need all the help we can get to keep her out of the hospital. We are now adapting to having nurses in our home (and even out and about) with us, but honestly, it's not that hard to adapt to an extra helper. I feel so wonderful knowing she's getting one-on-one care when the nurses are here. I think that this is going to be a huge boost to our family & our lives. Of course I'd rather have a Jordan just about to hit the terrible twos, fighting diaper changes & getting into the car seat, throwing tantrums on the floor over lollipops, but unfortunately that was not the hand we were dealt, so I'll take a nurse for her instead & count my blessings.

Things with my dad have been a bit hairy, too. I've been trying to get to Usk every week or so to go to doctor appointments, and generally help out, but it's pretty difficult being 8 hours away by car. When flight times work I can fly over on airmiles (from all of Devon's travelling), but often that is impossible as well. I was there on Sunday & Monday with Avery, hoping to go to his first oncology appointment in about 6 weeks, but instead we ended up at the Newport Hospital getting him a CT scan of his head. He had a massive headache, and we were all worried it was another mini-stroke. Luckily it wasn't, so he got a painkiller for the headache, and went home & slept for about 16 hours straight.

Kay was able to reschedule the appointment with the oncologist for today, but I was unable to go. They decided that he will start a low-dose chemotherapy on Monday, for 10 days, then will have 4 weeks off. The chemo will be difficult on him, as it will further weaken him & make him nauseaous as well, but I guess when you have to treat cancer, you have to suffer in the short term in order to deal with the long term. I'm going to go help out next week if I can sneak away for a couple more days, as it will be a long week for all of them with him expected to get sicker.

I guess the other major thing taking up my time, in a good way, is my new camera. I've been clicking away like crazy, but haven't moved beyond "auto" because I haven't had time to crack open the books to read anything since I got it 3 weeks ago. Nor have I had time to go through too many pictures. But, I'm going to go crazy this afternoon and sort through them as best I can. Hobbies are supposed to make you feel good, aren't they? Well, pictures make me happy, so I guess it's worth the time I "waste" on them!

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