08 November 2007

Thursday With The Rowes

Avery went to swim lessons tonight. It was safety night, so they used their life jackets & practiced rescues with a noodle. Avery & her favorite swim teacher Jen. Note: Kate had a fever & didn't make it tonight.
Jordan was just hanging out yesterday, eyes wide open. We're always adjusting her meds, and in the last week we increased her Depakene. I've only seen one seizure (while she was falling asleep) since then, but she does have a habit of habituating to seizure meds, and Depakene is hard on the liver -- nothing to take lightly. In addition, we have been giving her CoQ10 for the last couple of months, and she seems more alert & aware. I can't be sure there's a correlation, but I'll take it. Hmmmm, maybe Mojave needs some meds to perk him up. . . . Don't you wish you could bury your head like this to sleep?

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