18 November 2007

Fun, Donkey B-Ball Style

On Friday night there was a good ol' game of Donkey Basketball in Cusick. There were 4 teams competing for the title, and my sister Jessica & cousin Don's Freshman/Sophomore class team won! They beat the Seniors (my brother Jon Paul's class, but he declined to play), the Juniors (cousin Tera's class), and the teachers team!
The Giggle Berries (Juniors) versus The Road Apples (Freshman/Sophomores)A family affair: My sister Jessica (left), cousin Tera (center), and Tera's cousin Andrea (right)Jessie was having fun & scoring points, too
My cousin Don was also a key player for The Road Apples
The rules say you can only shoot & pass from on top of the donkey, although lots of people jump off to chase the ball. The donkey's aren't very enthusiastic about chasing the balls around. And it's not that easy to get onto a donkey holding a basketball.
The Teachers (sports jerseys) versus The Seniors (camo)Giddyup
Hey, who put the donkey in reverse?
Road Apple star Jessie, and mom Kay
Jon Paul watches, but wasn't into trying it himself
Some well deserved chow at the end of game


Mer said...

I have never heard of donkey basket ball before this. Too funny.

Those pics are great. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

love these donkeys!!!!i am sure you needed that fast camera for such an event. you should have taken more a** shots! super cute photos!

The Rowes said...

We can't even wear outdoor shoes in our gymnasium. I'm going to show these photos to our head of phys-ed and watch him have a heart attack!

PS Glad to hear that your dad is responding well to treatment.