24 November 2007

Divide & Conquer

The household has been divided into two Rowe teams today: Devon & Avery vs. Jordan & me. Devon & Avery are working on various projects, mostly outside -- hanging Christmas lights & doing yard work, while Jordan & I are inside trying to prevent barf from overtaking the house. Between suctioning, baths, and laundry I am desperately trying to get "caught up" on pictures. I've really swamped myself since getting the new camera, and I need to get sorted out before the real holiday fun hits us in full swing!

Jordan is taunting us with the idea of having a cold. On Wednesday morning when we got up she was vomiting all of her food, and coughing like crazy, so we raced down to the pediatrician's office to see if we could nip it in the bud before we had to check into the Hotel Emanuel for the Thanksgiving long weekend. Her ears were clear, but her tonsils looked questionable, so she ran a quick strep test and started Jordan on preventative Amoxicillan just in case (the full strep culture is 48 hours). The results of the strep culture were negative today, so we stopped the antibiotics after 2 days (yeah!). And she did seem to improve over Thursday & Friday -- perhaps the fear of going to the hospital scared the cold out of her (oh, if only it were that easy). But now it's Saturday & she's right back to where she was on Wednesday, so we're crossing our fingers that we can beat this thing on our own at home. Luckily our wonderful nurse will be back tomorrow, and we'll have even more hands to help with suctioning, bathing, and laundry.

Yesterday we had different teams: Avery & Jordan were on "Team Nana Noma" (with aunt Janet, and uncle Charlie, too) for the afternoon while Devon & I teamed up to work in the basement & did the mundane errands of everyday life.

Even though we really don't like having to divide up all the time to do things, now that we have more consistent nursing care for Jordan we're not having to do it so often. And even if we do have to be on different teams from time to time, at least they're not opposing - we're always working together for our common goals.

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