17 October 2006

Totally Tuesday

Today's exciting adventures: The jelly blob had physical therapy & I got us snazzy (free) new cell phones.

Yes, on Topamax Jordan has transformed from a wet noodle to a jelly blob. Physical therapy was so, uh, ridiculous, I guess. What else can I call it. Her muscles are so loose I don't even want to describe what way she can bend her arms and shoulders. It definitely doesn't seem right. I'm hoping that we'll be able to sort out the seizure & Topamax mystery while we're at UCLA next week. I'd rather she not be on it if she's not really seizing, and I think the Detroit docs were using a rather liberal definition of "seizure."

The rest of the day was taken up with figuring out the new cell phones. Lots of bells and whistles, but the big problem was that Devon's cell was so old that they didn't have a clone cable, so now I'm the one manually programming the 98 entries into the new phone (since the new phones were my idea). And many of the entries have more than one entry. I only have 24 to go. I'll be sure to make the first picture meaningful so I can post it here. . . .

Off to the pediatrician tomorrow for a catch-up meeting. Never a dull moment.

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