13 October 2006

Friday the 13th

The only thing scary about today is how quickly the time slipped away. I didn't get through the pictures from the pumpkin patch, in fact I didn't even look at them for the first time until 9:00pm. So, maybe tomorrow I'll get them sorted out and posted.

I did manage to track down & get filled Jordan's new prescription for Topamax. No small feat, let me tell you (why does it have to be this hard?!). It's a general seizure med, so we'll see if we can stop some of the other seizures she's having. It'll make her sleepy for awhile (days to weeks), which maybe isn't a bad thing. She's been crabby this week, possibly because of a tooth, so a little extra lethargy for a few days might not be too bad. Other side effects: hypotonia (perhaps she'll regress from wet noodle to blob of jelly), kidney stones (yikes!), lack of appetite (so what, she's got a tube), overheating & the inability to sweat (good thing its autumn crisp), and metabolic acidosis (yikes! again). I hope her veins can survive, after yesterday's double failure and today's episode.

Jordan also got her blood actually drawn today, but it wasn't easy. Linda did the poking, Carol did the holding, and again it took two tries. They said that her vein might be collapsing in her right arm, and that she seems to have some scar tissue in the left arm (she had to push hard to get the needle in). They suggested fewer blood draws. I couldn't agree more!!!! Avery joined us, and decided to sing "Row Row Row Your Boat" through the whole procedure. Over, and over, and over, and over. She did get two stickers for her serenading, though.

Avery-ism for the week: Dad, what's that up?
[translation: Dad, what's up with that?]

We don't have any major plans for the weekend, but always a long list of things that could be done. . . extra sleeping included!

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