Well, the rain ruined our outing to the pumpkin patch today. It wasn't supposed to rain until evening! Oh well. Kelly & I braved lunch with the trio -- never again (we always say that). Avery was crawling all over the place, and not particularly hungry. After we couldn't take it any more we convinced them to get under the table and play. Appalling, I know, but you weren't there. It was better to just have them hidden from sight. . . . At least Kate was actually eating, unlike Avery, which made it that much harder for her to sit still.
Then we went to the Children's Museum for some water splashing, clay squishing, kitchen "cooking," grocery shopping. Jordan & I had to leave for a doctor appointment, so Kelly took Kate & Avery home with her. She swears Avery was as good as an angel, until I showed up to take her home. Riiiiiiight.
2 hours at the pediatrician's office. I guess I'm just used to those kinds of visits. They book us for 20 minute appointments (the long ones, regular appointments are 10 minutes), but she's always in there with us for at least 45. There's always so much to discuss, even if it's nothing new. She did say that we need to get to our neurologist soon, as Jordan is really "snowed" on this Topamax. And she's not exaggerating. Oddly, I actually look forward to "decompressing" with her. I'm so thankful she's our pediatrician. It's times like these that it really counts.
I took lots of pics on my new phone camera. Now I'll just have to figure out how to get them onto my computer. I also want to figure out how to get them un-reversed when I shoot them (the image is upside down on my phone screen???). I guess I'll be having to read the book or something. Maybe tomorrow, since it's the only day this week we don't have a doctor or therapy appointment.
So beware, even more October pics to come. I love pumpkin pics (big surprise). Hopefully we'll get a clear day and a big pile of leave this autumn, too.
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