Actually, it was supposed to be sleepless, for me anyway. I am supposed to watch her continuously for 24 hours while she's hooked up, so I can document any seizure activity. Knock on wood, she's not seizing anymore, so I marked a bunch of funny movements in the early evening and into the night (so they would have something to look at), then dozed off from ~3:00am to ~6:30am. In truth, this isn't a terrible night's sleep for me. I would have liked more, but I've certainly had worse. I will be a bit bleary-eyed today, I'm sure, and with a 7:30am flight tomorrow & a 3 hour time change, Jordan & I are on a strictly 'sleep when you can' schedule. It will be nice to be home tomorrow!

Grocery Stores Update: Ouch! They’re in full resistance, but I’m slowly winning the battle. I haven’t given in since the early hours of Saturday morning, and am not missing my sucking friend at all! Good riddance.
Jordan didn't have too much trouble sleeping, but did need to try out a few positions to settle in for the night.

In other news from 5 West: The menu for room service (yes, that’s what it’s called) in this hospital is awesome. I couldn’t wait to order, and had to think long and hard about what to choose. Unfortunately, the food tasted terrible!! I think the hummus was made from whipped school paste. On the other hand, the food at the Legacy hospitals in Portland is actually quite delicious, but virtually impossible to acquire. I guess that’s how it all balances out in the end.
Big, cute menus, crappy food.

Hummus paste? This was a texture I didn't even know existed in the world.

Grocery Stores Update: Ouch! They’re in full resistance, but I’m slowly winning the battle. I haven’t given in since the early hours of Saturday morning, and am not missing my sucking friend at all! Good riddance.
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