Our traditional mother-daughter in-the-corn-maze photo
2006: Jordan showing off her 2 front teeth, her big blue eyes, her extremely long eye lashes, and even a grin as she looks up at me

Wow, I hardly made it off the sofa this weekend. It was odd, but nice. We all got a couple of naps, and I watched lots of Grey's Anatomy (seasons 1 & most of 2). Devon worked and worked -- priming and building in the basement & "real" working. We have a big week full of doctor's appointments, so he's trying to get ahead a little bit.
Jordan started on Topamax on Friday night. It's nickname is Dopamax, because it makes kids dopey, but Jordan seems to be happier. She is smiley & looking around more. I love it when her eyes are wide open, so I can see her big blue eyes. She actually seems more alert. And I do think her seizures are slowing down.
Avery's recently decided that she needs to go potty by herself, but when we ask her if she needs her privacy she says, "no, I just need to be alone in the bathroom." Someday we might define "privacy" for her, but for now it's too cute. She's also taken to singing while on the potty. Tonight before bed it was "Itsy Bitsy Spider," over and over again. All-in-all it's pretty hilareous. We're so glad she's doing more and more things by "sheself." Now, if we could just get her to get dressed in the morning, then maybe we wouldn't have days like today when she went to bed in the same pajamas she woke up in, and napped in, and ate breakfast, lunch, and dinner in, and played in. . . . Like I said, it was a lazy, napping kinda weekend.
Here's a few of the pictures from the last few days.
Kate & Avery's Saturday Afternoon Playdate
Mr. Potato Head Pumpkins: I guess I was more excited about this than they were. Within ~10 minutes they were jumping on the trampoline & begging to paint.
Avery & I went out for a second round before bed.
Out comes the paint: The paper was interesting for awhile, but as soon as I walked away for a couple of minutes, it was finger & body painting.
Yum, bathwater & paint tea, soup, & sandwiches for everyone.
The Jordan-ator: Still de-cushingoiding
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