13 February 2007

Back & Forth & Back, Again

It all started with a drippy little nose for Avery on Sunday, then by tonight - Jordan is full-blown sick again. She was soooooooooo healthy since coming home from the hospital on 3 February, and smiling up a storm. And now it's all gone, in the course of a few hours. Coughing, barfing, vomitting, barfing, coughing, no sleep, not enough blankets, load after load of laundry just trying to keep up. I'm imagining a long night tonight, and am already on the 6th load of laundry for the day, with no sign of it easing up. Avery's still a little "off," and alot snotty, but otherwise her usual self. The kicker: I'm sick too. I totally dodged it last time, but this time, I seem to have been hit just as hard as the girls. Too fun!

Let's hope the Benadryl works tonight - on both of them. Too bad I have to be responsible & can't take a drowsy-making dose myself.

Here's some memories of a happier, healthier week last week:
Giggles and grins for grandma

Thanks for the curls, grandpa-grandpa John (Driver)Avery takes a Sunday afternoon "nature hike" with daddy at one of his field sites. She was all ready with her vest for collecting interesting things, like rocks, frogs, & leaves, but got too carried away with planting the little blue flags. No wonder we're such black thumbs in this family, I think those blue things were metal & flagging, not even plants or seeds.
Bubble Monster (this was daddy's idea to let her run around the house like this after her bath on Sunday).I can be flexible. That was hilareous, I crack myself up! One last grin before the new cold hit!


Julie, Jeff, Jack, WIll and Jasper said...

Yoikes! you never get a break! Sorry to hear that all 3 of you are sick. Cross my fingers that Devon stays well enough to take care of you a little bit.
Jordan looks so happy in those photos! What a joy to see her like that. Avery is an adorable monster.. but quite scary!

Anonymous said...

Those are the sweetest pictures of Jordan smiling. She looks the best I've seen her! Give her a kiss from us and I hope she is feeling smiley again very soon! Love, Nikki & Zachary (www.zacharybeachley.com)